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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


In a clearing in the woods, on a cloudy moonlit night, five women wield wands. Their wands represent their energy, their passion, and their interests. They are in a competition of some sort, but not a battle to the death. Whoever can use her wand most effectively will prevail.

The Five of Wands is a card of combat, competition, and strife, so be prepared. In this situation, different people bring their different agendas and desires. Not all can be accommodated, so they have to fight it out to see what will be kept and what will be eliminated. You need to understand and respect your competition, to be confident in what you are fighting for, and to conduct yourself with skill.

If reversed, this card suggests that this is a fight that you shouldn't get involved in. Assess your motives and the competition before rushing in. It can also indicate a competition that is less than honorable or one that turns ugly.

Use your intuition

  • Why have these women decided to conduct their competition at night?
  • Do the different manners of holding the wands and the different stances suggest ways of approaching a competition or flight?
  • Are there any rules to the women's competition?

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